October 24, 2010

Aniku Fable

Bishuve fun ta ubanan yoxsne li na darvi vi azeu. Inzute sham'tuk zu ute sakret zu mala ki ye yüme Oya su heküjne ba.
G'kanwä, önudwi vä ginshute vi ye s'te lagawan nö umajwa heküjne ba a'arza dibde. Sani va lidun umani win na. Vlaz ki, lagawan iratme ve geve. Önudwi mi yui pitumge wi ye nemyat sani.. Sabidu a, lagawan hajale ba nön sami y'te hajeluwite geve omi.
"Ha kivéne ju!!" Gom yo nian tö vui sön ba.
"E su nintukume ve ésgan fiyate la," Hil yo nian tö fi sön ba. Nian tö vui domagule un inéte kii "Ha kivéne xelö yado!" oki sön ba intétu i.
"Venjat ki O'i koyaoe hévi yama?" Fémi masön ba. Önudwi vä ganbili lagawan va shomdalu tö medialu x'le. Gom yo önudwe na zölat azte lidubä klamure ba mise oki na vialen kyri ki nemyat timtuk iratme vi geve akélta i. Fémi klamure ba shomdalu ki nemyat mise oki na iratme hae aka, poj ki timtuk bim ta yana ye--mo. Mise oki na arika xelö ye.
"Syrte su te kabe astu Han.." heküjne ba asöwe Fémi na.
"Yuiowa za onapla ijan poj ki, s'tevnu ki mise mi te unbétét?!" Hil masön ba nian fi.
"Chovi azte yadut ju lagawan ganbili shomdalu tö medialu," Fémi k'kujnate ba asaen xüwe turine ba oviso yui. Vä oxüvu yatee ba mise mi moani un unéte ba. Bim mi chithame ba juwi.
"Tum kunéte no xelö venjat?" asöwe ba Fémi ki asaen Gom difde vi ye shomdalu.
"Fie nu! Kyri iratme vi yonka yama!" Gom muin ba Hil onye. "Venjat ki Ya koyaoe igik yama?"
Fémi numvede ba asaen glerov vi taxu fie. Oki ti'kate ba avatol na guwi kuné azhane ve ye nemyat kii, xüwe anioe ba vea yoman un t'aknu ba fie kuné "azte taxu," poj Gom nis'rut viäno ju. Fie kintene asaen Gom yemarov ba ajasan un xüwe tamyünde ba sani.
Uuun, Gom kutrune ba. Nön kii... fie na ariun kutrune aka.

Mijae li.

The past one-hundred years have been a slow societetal transformation. All was unsafe and of no properity before they came.
One day, three children were playing when a great boulder came from the sky. It was like a god's kiss. And after that, the boulder began glowing right then and there. Those three children were awed by it. And then suddenly, the boulder exploded and its ash began to cover them all.
"I don't see!" said Gom, the first boy.
"Bring open your eyes," said Hil, the second boy. The first boy opened his eyes and smiled; "I can see now!" he said happily.
"What do you think that is?" asked Fémi. Little did the three children know, the boulder was actually a radioactive meteorite. Gom, being the curious kid that he was, touched it with his hand, which then began glowing blue. When Fémi touched the meteorite, his hand began glowing, too, but his was a different color. His hands were now red.
"My mother is going to murder me," came Fémi's voice.
"This is really cool, but why are my hands purple?" Hil asked the two boys.
"This might not be a boulder, but actually a radioactive meteorite," Fémi predicted as he studied the object. They all looked at each other's hands and frowned. The colors seemed to vanish.
"What will we do now?" voiced Fémi while Gom was poking the meteorite.
"You two! Is it glowing inside?" Gom spoke towards Hil, "what do you think?"
Femi sighed while stepping away from them. He discerned that there was something strange happening, so he acted as the leader and told them to "get away," but Gom wouldn't listen. The two watched as Gom walked closer and then got on top of it.
And then Gom died. And... so did the other two.

The end!

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