March 21, 2010

Abortive: unsuccessful.
( Uh-Bor-Tiv )
"So it was an abortive test score, so what? At least you have your health," Jenny said while coughing.

Adulterate: to contaminate; to make impure.
( Add-Dult-Chuh-Rate )
Her boyfriend adulterated our entire evening. We aren't going on a double-date with him anymore.

Opaque: impossible to see through; impossible to understand.
( Oh-Pake )
"My heart is so opaque sometimes. If I weren't so cold," I sighed, "maybe I'd find love."

Yünd: on; on top of; above; touching physically.
( Yawned )
Ha za xahéme ve arvanada yünd.
I am standing on top of the world!

K'tétume: to call someone by phone.
( K'-Teh-Too-May )
Oke k'tétume ba mér'a Ha onye.
She called me on the phone a while ago.

Taxu: movement from the speaker.
( Ta-Ngoo )
E su harte taxu Ha.
Get away from me.

March 18, 2010

Parsimonious: stringy; greedy.
( Par-Sih-Moan-Knee-Us )
Growing up, my mother was so parsimonious with her pay check; she never wanted to spare me two dollars for the party store.

Bye: Something has much of this within; full of.
( Bee-Yay )

Ha poish mi bye.
I am full of beliefs.

Ha poish bye ke mi.
I am full of many beliefs.

March 15, 2010

Lethargy: laziness; sluggishness.
( Leh-Thar-Ge )
"I fell into a state of lethargy. That's why I didn't turn in my assignments," the honest boy explained to his teacher.

Tacit: implied, not spoken.
( Tass-It )
I thought my crabbiness was pretty tacit; I was being outlandishly rude to her.

Achiya: large.
( Ah-Chee-Yah )
Yagya na oke su achiya ijan.
Her house is so large.

Voték: small.
( Voh-Teck )
Asöwe te su vokték ame.
My voice is too small.

March 12, 2010

Auspicious: promising of success.
( Aw-Spish-Uhs )
The farmer's pig was definitely auspicious; we all knew it'd win the pageant.

Navawe: conceited; loving and respecting the self possibly too much.
( Nah-Vah-Way )
Oke su navawe ame ye Ha ant.
She was too conceited for me.

March 11, 2010

Novel: new, original.
( Nahv-Ul )
"My approach to doing homework is simple and pretty novel: not doing it," said Charley.

Suanyo: annoying.
( Soo-Ahn-Yoh )
Hestvi su oien suanyo ijan.
That girl  over there is so annoying.

March 10, 2010

Decadent: decaying or decayed, especially in terms of morals.
( Deck-Uh-Dent )
People who frequently commit crimes must have had a decadent childhood.

Bye: there is much of the preceding within.
( Bee-Yay )

Ha keyoki bye ijan.
I am so full of beauty.

Ha keyoki u chiju ke ijan bye.
I am so full of love and beauty.

March 9, 2010

Sojourn: a temporary residence, as that of a traveler in a foreign land.
( Soh-Jern )
Much to her sojourn, she felt lonely and nostalgic of home.

Ikéte: to like.
( EE-Ket-Tay )
Fie su ikéte ju oyami.
Those two do not like them.

March 8, 2010

Incense: to make very angry.
( In-Sense )
When my best friend ditched me at the mall for her other friends, I was incensed.

Asöwe: one's voice, a voice, voice.
( Ah-Sow-Way )
Asöwe te va dahasér idyr.
My voice is pretty dry.

March 7, 2010

Juxtapose: placed in nearness; side by side.
( Jucks-Tuh-Pose )
I juxtaposed the green books and the blue books onto my new bookshelf.

Punish: exact or precise.
( Poon-Neesh )
K'kujna va punish ijan.
The prediction is very exact.

March 6, 2010

Recalcitrant: stubbornly defiant of authority, disobedient.
( Ree-Cal-Sih-Trant )
The recalcitrant teens continued their graffiti assault on the wall.

Sishum: special, of importance.
( See-Shoom )
Oyami su sishum ijan.
They are very special.

[ Because "su" was used, the word "special" is used as an insult, meaning they are slow. ]

March 5, 2010

Prodigal: wastefully extravagant.
( Prod-Uh-Gul )
A satirical man might say that life is seemingly pointless; I'd say his ideas were prodigal.

Moxale: no matter what, this is the final outcome or what might happen.
( Moh-Ng-Ah-Lay )

Moxale ki Oyami kunéte no ju kyri.
Though, they still won't do it.

Oke va suma no moxale oki.
She'll still probably kill him.

March 4, 2010

Adroit: dexterous; skillful; clever; shrewd.
( Uh-Droyt )
The adroit man smiled as he carved his soon-to-be wooden doll.

Fikakule: to combine and become one with.
( Fee-Kah-Koo-Lay )
Yark'a fikakule ba nun na fie.
The woman bonded the hearts of the two people.

[ In other words, she repaired their broken hearts. ]

March 3, 2010

Stigmatize: to brand with disgrace; to mark with disgrace.
( Stig-Muh-Tyze)
The criminal stigmatized himself by robbing a bank.

Imalwae: to make paranoid.
( EE-Mahl-Wah-Ey )
Oki su imalwae ba emeza oke.
He made her extremely paranoid.

March 2, 2010

Aberration: not typical; a deviation of the standard.
( Ab-Uh-Ray-Shun )
Her bag was a cheap aberration of Gucci.

Yotmane: to lead.
( Yoht-Mah-Nay )
Ha yotmane ba oien nö ishkekun wazsh na oke onye.
I lead the blind girl to her home.

March 1, 2010

Fervor: great warmth or earnestness; ardor.
( Fur-Vur )
I displayed my fervor for education by engaging in classroom discussions.

Salu: everywhere all at once as well as inside and outside.
( Sah-Loo )
Akatu salu juwi.
The rain seemed to be everywhere.